The Pit

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CDC Cooking the Data?

by Travis Ruhland - March 28, 2022


The CDC – one of the most egregious spreaders of misinformation?  If their goal is to earn the trust of skeptics, I don’t think continuously lying and/or concealing important information is the most effective strategy.

1. In February of 2022, the New York Times published a report after discovering the CDC had been withholding large volumes of data.  Their reason for concealing the data?  They feared it could be “misinterpreted”.

2. Since the Pandemic started, many people have claimed that the COVID death numbers were exaggerated or overcounted.  Biased, Corporate-Sponsored, Fact-Checking websites slapped the “False” label on anyone who suggested such a thing.  Well, in March 2022, the CDC removed over 70,000 deaths from the total COVID death numbers.  The CDC claimed their algorithm was wrong and was “accidentally counting deaths that were not COVID-19-related”.  I wonder how many more deaths could be removed…

3. In February of 2022, the US Health and Human Services was ordered to stop reporting on COVID deaths.  Huh?  Why would one of the most reliable databases suddenly stop submitting that data, especially considering COVID and tracking of vaccine efficacy are ongoing?

There are so many more instances of the CDC and other health agencies not being forthright with vitally important health data or rigging the game to create statistics that favor their goals.  For instance, why for PCR tests was the Cycle Threshold set at ~40 cycles for COVID-19, when experts say anything above 25, 30, or 33 cycles “could not be contagious” and that the “virus is not detected in culture,” AND when previous diseases had Cycle Thresholds at around 30.  A higher Cycle Threshold means higher numbers of positive PCR tests for COVID.

And for instance, why did it take a judge intervening to get Pfizer’s vaccine clinical trial data released to the public.  Originally the FDA said it would be roughly 75 years before the documents were released.  Basically, after everyone currently alive is dead or near death.  If Pfizer has nothing to hide, why would they or the FDA be so concerned about releasing clinical trial documents.  It doesn’t necessarily mean there was foul play, but it does suggest it.  And since, as you can find in Chapter 6.6 in my book, Pharmaceutical companies have been caught so often manipulating clinical trials to skew the results in their favor, it’s not irrational to think that the data in their COVID vaccine trials were also manipulated.

The decision of whether or not to accept the COVID vaccine isn’t as simple as, say, buying a vacuum cleaner or a car.  The consequences of making the wrong purchase are minimal.  But, with the vaccine, we are talking about our health, and we don’t know the long-term effects – a wrong decision could result in life-altering consequences.  So, it is important that people have all of the available information and data to help them arrive at a decision they feel comfortable with.

But, if the CDC is not being forthright with information and data, how can anyone be blamed for their hesitancy, especially when negative reports are continuously being revealed and lies are continuously being exposed?  And that rightfully begs the question, what other data are the CDC omitting or not reporting on?

And why is it okay for the CDC to spread misinformation, while others who make less damaging and less impactful false claims are ferociously condemned?  We live in a strange world…

My book – The Pit:Transcend Money, Save the World.

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