The Pit

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The Great Reset

by Travis Ruhland - February 14, 2022


The Great Reset.  Have you seen this, have you heard about this?  While we Plebeians have been squabbling amongst ourselves in the depths of The Pit, those standing above the game have been actively and openly collaborating towards a new economic vision over the last few years, and they (The World Economic Forum in concert with governments and the world’s biggest companies) have been using the pandemic as an opportunity to accelerate it forward.

“The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world.” – Klaus Schwab, Founder, World Economic Forum.

Now is this a sinister “globalist” conspiracy to control the world, or an altruistic attempt to bring peace and balance to Earth and its inhabitants.  Or, is it somewhere in the middle?  I don’t know enough to answer that.  The meetings, most prominently in Davos, Switzerland, have used attractive language while discussing important issues, including Sustainability, ending Poverty, and reversing Ecological Degradation.  On the surface it seems like a benevolent endeavor to make the world a better place for all, and in my book, The Pit, I talk about the importance of addressing the topics listed above.

However, after studying trends over the past few centuries, I have found that when rich and powerful men get together, it’s usually not for the benefit of the “bewildered herd,” but to figure out how best to maintain a dominant and winning position in the broad field of economic battle to secure their comfortable and luxurious lifestyles – at the expense of everyone else.

And if one looks at the list of Partners on the WEFs website, you will find some of the world’s largest organizations, organizations that have historically exhibited complete disregard for the planet and its population in their quest to acquire a lion’s share of the economic pie.  Partner companies include Amazon, Apple, Goldman Sachs, Pfizer, BlackRock, Johnson & Johnson, and many many more.  And often, if individuals or organizations are paying money into an exclusive club, again, they are hoping to secure some sort of benefit for themselves.

Of course measures can be taken that benefit both the majority and the opulent minority.  But, the cynic in me is not confident that’s the case.

One of the quotes recently making the rounds from the WEF about what life will be like after The Great Reset goes something like this – “You will own nothing, and be happy.”  A part of me is attracted to the idea of not “owning” materials, but having access to them when I need them, because personally I find possessions to be more of a burden than anything; of course I envision “owning” the things I need and use on a daily basis.  I also think it is important that the global population has access to the necessities of life.  I think it would create a healthier society, which would in turn make our global body healthier, more prosperous, and more innovative.  In Chapter 9 of my book, I tackle the argument regarding access and whether or not it would create a lazy society.  Spoiler Alert – I postulate that it would not.

That said, what I gather from reading about the WEF’s reimagined economy, ownership of materials and resources would rest in the hands of a few, and the rest of the population would simply be renting from them.  If that is the case, I cannot support that.  The majority would be beholden to the opulent minority – which, one can argue we already are; it would just be amplified.

But I want to know what you think?  I’m just a single mind with limited resources.  One of the ideas laid out by a WEF report postulates that “a globalized world is best managed by a coalition of multinational corporations, governments (including through the UN system), and select CSOs.”4  Do you agree?  Is it best that we are managed by governments and corporations?  Maybe you can share some information and thoughts that I am not keen to.

Next I will talk about some of the recent trends and acquisitions by wealthy institutions and financial management companies in their pursuit of bringing The Great Reset to fruition.

Also – feel free to check out my book – The Pit:Transcend Money, Save the World – as if my shameless plugs above weren’t enough.

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